


Iu maritime law. Anchoring or making fast to the shore or dock; the securing or confining a vessel in a particular station, as by cables and anchors or by a line or chain run to the wharf. A vessel is “moored In safety,” within the meaning of a policy of marine insurance, when she is thus moored to a wharf or dock, free from any immediate danger from auy of the perils insured against. See 1 Phil. Ins. 908; Walsh v. New York Floating Dry Dock Co., 8 Daly (N. Y.) 387; Flandreau v. Elsworth, 9 Misc. Rep. 340. 29 N. Y. Supp. 094; Bramhall v. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 104 Mass. 510, 0 Am. ltep. 261. MOOT, n. In English law. Moots are exercises in pleading, and In arguing doubtful cases and questions, by the students of an inn of court before the benchers of the inn. Sweet. In Saxon law. A meeting or assemblage of people, particularly for governmental or judicial purposes. The more usual forms of the word were “mote” and “gemot.” See those titles.





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