


This word is applied, in England, to vessels employed in the carriage of coals. Jacob KEEP, n. A strong tower or hold in the middle of any castle or fortification, wherein the besieged make their last efforts of defense, was formerly, in England, called a “keep;” and the inner pile within the castle of Dover, erected by King Henry II. about the year 1153, was termed the “King’s Keep;” so at Windsor, etc. It seems to be some- thing of the same nature with what Is called abroad a “citadel.” Jacob. KEEP, v. 1. To retain In one’s power or possession; not to lose or part with ; to pre- serve or retain. Benson v. New York, 10 Barb. (N. Y.) 235; Deans v. Gay, 132 N. C. 227, 43 S. E. G43.2. To maintain, carry on, conduct, or manage; as, to “keep” a liquor saloon, bawdy house, gaming table, nuisance, inn, or hotel. State v. Irvin, 117 Iowa, 400, 91 N. W. 700; People v. Rice, 103 Mich. 350, 01 N. W. 540; State v. Miller, 6S Conn. 373, 30 Atl. 795; State v. Cox, 52 Vt. 474. 3. To maintain, tend, harbor, feed, and shelter; as, to “keep” a dangerous.animal, to “keep” a horse at livery. Allen v. Ham, 03 Me. 536; Skinner v. Caughey, 64 Minn. 375, 67 N. W. 203. 4. To maintain continuously and methodically for the purposes of a record; as, to KEEP 6 “keep” books. See Backus v. Richardson, 5 Johns. (N. Y.) 483. 5. To maintain continuously and -without stoppage or variation; as, when a vessel is said to “keep her course,” that is, continue in motion in the same general direction in which she was previously sailing. See The Britannia, 153 U. S. 130, 14 Sup. Ct 795, 38 L. Ed. 660.





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