


A criminal proceeding against a public officer, before a quasipolitical court, instituted by a written accusation called “articles of impeachment;” forexample, a written accusation by the house of representatives of the United States tothe senate of the United States against an officer.In England, a prosecution by the house of commons before the bouse of lords of acommoner for treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, or of a peer for any crime.In evidence. An allegation, supported by proof, that a witness who has been examinedis unworthy of credit.–ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT. The formal written allegation of the causes for an impeachment, answering the same purpose as an indictment in an ordinary criminal proceeding. –COLLATERAL IMPEACHMENT. Thecollateral impeachment of a judgment or decree is an attempt made to destroy orevade its effect as an estoppel, by reopening the merits of the cause or showingreasons why the judgment should not have been given or should not have a conclusiveeffect, in any collateral proceeding, that is, in any action or proceeding other than thatin which the judgment was given, or other than an appeal, certiorari, or other directproceeding to review it.–IMPEACHMENT OF ANNUITY. A term sometimes used in Englishlaw to denote anything that operates as a hindrance, impediment or obstruction of themaking of the profits out of which the annuity is to arise. Pitt v. Williams, 4 Adol. & El.885.–IMPEACHMENT OF WASTE. Liability for waste committed ; or a demand or suit forcompensation for waste committed upon lands or tenements by a tenant thereof who.having only a leasehold or particular estate, had no right to commit waste. See 2 Rl.Comm. 283; Sanderson v. .Tones, 6 Fla. 480. 63 Am. Dec. 217. –IMPEACHMENT OFWITNESS. Proof that a witness who has testified in a cause is unworthy of credit. White v.Railroad Co.. 142 Ind. (





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