


1. Liberation, discharge, or settiug free from restraint or confinement. Thus, a man unlawfully imprisoned may obtain his release ou habeas corpus. Barker v. U. S., 22 Ct. CI. 100. 2. The relinquishment, concession, or giving up of a right, claim, or privilege, by the persou in whom it exists or to whom it accrues, to the person against whom it might have been demanded or enforced. Jaqua v. SUewalter, 10 Iud. App. 234, 37 N. E. 1072; Winter v. Kansas City Cable By. Co., 160 Mo. 159, 61 S. W. 606. 3. The abandonment to (or by) a person called as a witness in a suit of his interest iu the subject-matter of the controversy, in order to qualify him to testify, under the common-law rule. 4. A receipt or certificate given by a ward to the guardian, on the final settlement of the latter’s accounts, or by any other beneficiary on the termination of the trust administration, relinquishing all and any further rights, claims, or demands, growing out of the trust or incident to it. 5. In admiralty actions, when a ship, cargo, or other property has been arrested, the owner may obtain its release by giving bail, or paying the value of the property into court. Upon this being done he obtains a release, which is a kind of writ under the seal of the court, addressed to the marshal, commanding him to release the property. Sweet 6. In estates. The couveyauce of a man’s interest or right which he hath unto a thing to another that hath the possession thereof or some estate therein. Shep. Touch. 320. The relinquishmeut of some right or benefit to a person who has already some interest in the tenement aud such interest as qualifies him for receiving or availing himself of the right or benefit so relinquished. Burt. Beal Prop. 12; Field v. Columbet, 9 Fed. Cas. 13; Baker v. Woodward, 12 Or. 3, 6 Pac. 173; Miller v. Emails, 19 N. Y. 387. A conveyance of an ulterior interest in lands or tenements to a particular tenant, or of au undivided share to a co-tenant, (the releasee being iu either case in privity of es- tate with the releasor,) or of the right, to a person wrongfully in possession. 1 Steph. Comm. 479.





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