


everything by which it can be accomplished is also commanded. Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum. Co. Litt. 223. When anything is prohibited directly, it is prohibited also indirectly. Quando aliquid prohibetur, probibetur et omne per quod devenitur ad illud. When anything is prohibited, everything by which it is reached is prohibited also. 2 Inst. 48. That which cannot be done directly shall not be done indirectly. Broom, Max. 4S9. Quando aliquis aliquid concedit, con- cedere videtur et id sine quo res uti non potest. When a person grants anything, he is supposed to grant that also without which the thing cannot be used. 3 Kent, Comm. 421. When the use of a thing is granted, everything is granted by which the grantee may have and enjoy such use. Id. Quando cbarta continet generalem clausulam, posteaque descendit ad verba specialia quae clausula: general! sunt consentanea, interpretanda est charta secundum verba specialia. When a deed contains a general clause, and afterwards descends to special words which are agreeable to the general clause, the deed is to be interpreted according to the special words. 8 Coke, 154 &. Quando de una et eadem re duo one- rabiles existunt, unus, pro insufficientia alterius, de integro onerabitur. When there are two persons liable for one and the same thing, one of them, in case of default of the other, shall be charged with the whole. 2 Inst. 277. Quando dispositio referri potest ad duas res ita quod secundum relationem unam vitietur et secundum alteram utilis sit, turn facienda est relatio ad illam ut valeat dispositio. 6 Coke, 76. When a disposition may refer to two things, so that by the former it would be vitiated, and by the latter it would be preserved, then the relation is to be made to the latter, so that the disposition may be valid. Quando diversi desiderantur actus ad aliquem statum perficiendum, pins re- spicit lex actum originalem. When different acts are required to the formation of any estate, the law chiefly regards the original act. 10 Coke, 49a. When to the perfection of an estate or interest divers acts or things are requisite, the law has more regard to the original act, for that is the fundamental part on which all the others are founded. Id. Quando jus domini regis et subditi concurrunt, jus regis praeferri debet. 9 Coke, 129. When the right of king and of subject concur, the king’s right should be preferred. Quando lex aliqnid alicui concedit, concedere videtur et id sine quo res ipsae esse non potest. 5 Coke, 47. When the law gives a man anything, it gives him that also without which the thing itself cannot exist. Quando lex aliquid alicui concedit, omnia incidentia tacite conceduntur. 2 Inst. 326. When the law gives anything to any one, all incidents are tacitly given. Quando lex est specialis, ratio antem generalis, generaliter lex est intelligen- da. When a law is special, but its reason [or object] general, the law Is to be under- stood generally. 2 Inst. 83. Quando licet id quod majns, videtur et licere id quod minus. Shep. Touch. 429. When the greater is allowed, the less is to be understood as allowed also. Quando mulier nobilis nnpserit igno- bili, desinit esse nobilis nisi nobilitas nativa fuerit. 4 Coke, 118. When a noble woman marries a man not noble, she ceases to be noble, unless her nobility was born with her. Quando plus fit quam fieri debet, videtur etiam illud fieri quod faciendum est. When more is done than ought to be done, that at least shall be considered as performed which should have been performed, [as, if a man, having a power to make a lease for ten years, make one for twenty years, it shall be void only for the surplus.] Broom, Max. 177; 5 Coke, 115; 8 Coke, 85a. Quando quod ago non valet ut ago, valeat quantum valere potest. When that which I do does not have effect as I do it, let it have as much effect as it can. Jackson ex dem. Troup v. Blodget, 16 Johns. (N. Y.) 172. 178; Vandervolgen v. Yates, 3 Barb. Ch. (N. Y.) 242, 261. Quando res non valet ut ago, valeat quantum valere potest. When a thing is of no effect as I do it, it shall have effect as far as [or in whatever way] it can. Cowp. 600. Quando verba et mens congruunt, non est interpretation! locus. When the words and the mind agree, there is no place for interpretation. Quando verba statutl sunt specialia, ratio antem generalis, generaliter statu- tum est intelligendum. When the words QUANTI MIN0RI8 975





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