


A case omitted ; au event or contingency for which no provision is made; particulUrly a case not provided for by the statute on the general subject, and which is therefore left to be governed by the common law. Casus fortuitus non est sperandus, et nemo tenetur devinare. A fortuitous event is not to be expected, and no one is bound to foresee it 4 Coke, 60. Casus fortuitus non est supponendus. A fortuitous event is not to be presumed. Ilardr. 82, arg. Casus omissus et oblivioni datus disposition! juris communis relinquitur. A case omitted and given to oblivion (forgotten) is left to the disposal of the common law. 5 Coke, 38. A particular case, left un- prcAided for by statute, must be disposed of according to the law as it existed prior to such statute. Broom, Max. 46. Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est. A case omitted is to be held as (intentionally) omitted. Tray. Lat. Max. 67





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