


In common-law practice, the action of trover (or trover and conversion) Is a species of action on the case, and originally lay for the recovery of damages against a person who had found another’s goods and wrongfully converted them to his own use. Subsequently the allegation of the loss of the goods by the plaintiff and the finding of them by the defendant was merely fictitious, and the action became the remedy for any wrongful Interference with or detention of the goods of another. 3 Steph. Comm. 425. Sweet. See Burnham v. Pidcock, 33 Misc. Rep. 65, 66 N. Y. Supp. 806; Larsou v Daw- TROY WEIGHT 1175 TRUST son, 24 R. I. 317, 53 Atl. 93, 90 Am. St. Rep. 716; Waring v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 70 Pa. 496; Metropolis Mfg. Co. v. Lynch, 6S Conn. 459, 36 Atl. 832; Spellman v. Richmond & D. R. Co., 35 S. C. 475, 14 S. E. 947, 28 Am. St. Rep. 858.





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