


In Contracts. A statement made by one of two contracting parties to the other, before or at the time of making the contract, in regard to some fact, circumstance, or state of facts pertinent to the contract, which is influential in bringing about the agreement. In insurance. A collateral statement, either by writing not inserted in the policy or by parol, of such facts or circumstances, relative to the proposed adventure, as are necessary to be communicated to the underwriters, to enable them to form a just esti- mate of tlie risks. 1 Marsh. Ins. 450. The allegation of any facts, by the applicant to the insurer, or vice versa, preliminary to making the contract, and directly bearing upon it, having a plain and evident tend- ency to induce the making of the policy. The statements may or may not be in writing, and may be either express or by obvious implication. Lee v. Howard Fire Ins. Co., 11 Cush. (Mass.) 324; Augusta Insurance & Banking Co. of Georgia v. Abbott, 12 Md. 34S. In relation to the contract of insurance, there is an important distinction between a representation and a warranty. The former, which precedes the contract of insurance, and is no part of it, need he only materially true: the latter is a part of the contract, and must be exactly and literally fulfilled, or else the contract is broken and inoperative. Glendale Woolen Co. v. Protection Ins. Co., 21 Conn. 19, 54 Am. Dec. 309. In the law of distribution and descent. The principle upon which the issue of a deceased person take or inherit the share of an estate which their immediate ancestor would have taken or Inherited, if living; the taking or inheriting per stirpes. 2 Bl. Comm. 217, 517. In Scotch law. The name of a plea or statement presented to a lord ordinary of the court of session, when his judgment ia brought under review.





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