


A base (immoral or illegal) cause or consideration. Causa causae est causa causati. The cause of a cause is the cause of the thing caused. 12 Mod. 039. The cause of the cause is to be considered as the cause of the effect also. Causa causantis, causa est causati. The cause of the thing causing is the cause CAUSA ECCLESI^I 178 CAUSES CELEBRES of the effect 4 Camp. 284; Marble v. City of Worcester, 4 Gray (Mass.) 398. Causa ecclesiae publicis aequiparatur; et summa est ratio quae pro religione facit. The cause of the church is equal to public cause; and paramount is the reason which makes for religion. Co. Litt. 341. Causa et origo est materia negotii. The cause and origin is the substance of the thing; the cause and origin of a thing are a material part of it. The law regards the original act 1 Coke, 99. Causa proxima, non remota, speetatur. The immediate, not the remote, cause, is looked at, or considered. 12 East, 048; 3 Kent, Comm. 302; Story, Bailm.





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