


A precept in writing, couched in the form of a letter, running in the name ofthe king, president, or state, issuing from a court of justice, and sealed with its seal,addressed to a sheriff or other officer of the law, or directly to the person whose actionthe court desires to command, either as the commencement of a suit or otherproceeding or as incidental to Its progress, and requiring the performance of a specifiedact, or giving authority and commission to have it done.For the names and description of various particular writs, see the following titles.In old English law. An Instrument In the form of a letter; a letter or letters ofattorney. This is a very ancient sense of the word.In the old books, “writ” is used as equivalent to “action;” hence writs are sometimesdivided into real, personal, and mixed.In Scotch law. A writing; an instrument in writing, as a deed, bond, contract, etc. 2Forb. Inst, pt 2, pp. 175-179.





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