


Lat. A writ of nuisance, which, by 15 Edw. I., lay against him to whom a house or other thing that caused a nuisance descended or was alienated ; whereas, before that statute the action lay only against him who first levied or caused the nuisance to the damage of his neighbor. Cowell. Qui abjurat regnum amittit regnum, sed non regem; patriam, sed non patrem patriae. 7 Coke, 9. He who abjures the realm leaves the realm, but not the king; the country, but not the father of the country. Qui accusat integree famse sit, et non criminosus. Let him who accuses be of clear fame, and not criminal. 3 Inst 20. Qui acquirit sibi acquirit hacredibus. He who acquires for himself acquires for his heirs. Tray. Lat. Max. 496. Qui adimit medium dirimit finem. He who takes away the mean destroys the end. Co. Litt 101a. He that deprives a man of the mean by which he ought to come to a thing deprives him of the thing itself. Id.; Litt





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