


Lat. “Who as well .” Au actiou brought by au informer, uuder a statute which establishes a peualty for the commission or oniissiou of a certain act, aud provides that the same shall be recoverable iu a civil action, part of the penalty to go to any person who will bring such action and the remainder to tlie state or some other institution, is called a “qui tain action;” because the plaintiff states that he sues as well for the state as for himself. See lu re Barker, 50 Vt. 14; Grover v. Morris, 73 N. Y. 478. Qui tardius solvit, minus solvit. He who pays more tardny Lilian he ought] pays less [than he ought.] Jeuk. Cent. 58. Qui timent, cavent vitant. They who fear, take care aud avoid. Branch, Princ. Qui totum dicit nihil excipit. lie who says all excepts uothing. Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived. Brooui, Max. 782, note; 1 De Cex, M. & G. 087, 710; Shep. Touch. 50.





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