


That he account Judgment quod computet is a preliminary or interlocutory judgment given in the action of account-render (also iu the case of cred- itors’ bills against au executor or administrator,) directing that accounts be takeu before a master or auditor. Quod constat clare non debet verifl- cari. What is clearly apparent need not be proved. 10 Mod. 150. Quod constat curiae opere testium non indigct. That which appears to the court needs not the aid of witnesses. 2 Inst 662. Qnod contra legem fit pro infecto habetur. That which is done against law is re- garded as not done at all. 4 Coke, 31a. Quod contra rationem juris receptum est, non est producendum ad consequen- tias. That which has been received against the reason of the law is not to be drawn into a precedent. Dig. 1, 3, 14.





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