


The act or process of proving a will. The proof before an ordinary, surrogate, register, or other duly authorized person that a document produced before him for official recognition and registration, and alleged to be the last will aud testament of a certain deceased person, is such in reality. The copy of the will, made out in parchment or due form, under the seal of the or- dinary or court of probate, and usually delivered to the executor or administrator of the deceased, together with a certificate of the will’s having been proved, is also commonly called the “probate.” In the canon law, “probate” consisted of probatio, the proof of the will by the execu- tor, and upprobatio, the approbation given by the ecclesiastical judge to the proof. 4 Reeve, Eng. Law, 77. And see In re Spiegelhalter’s Will, 1 Pennewill (Del.) 5, 39 Atl. 405; Mc- Cay v. Clayton, 119 Pa. 133, 12 Atl. SCO; Pettit v. Black, 13 Neb. 142, 12 N. W. 841; Reno v. McCully, 05 Iowa, 029, 22 N. W. 902; Appeal of Dawley, 10 R. I. 094, 19 Atl. 248.





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