


Lat. Always ready. The name of a plea by which the defendant alleges that he .has always been ready to perform what is demanded of him. 3 Bl. Comm. 303. Semper prsesumitur pro legitimatione puerorum. The presumption always is in favor of the legitimacy of children. 5 Coke, 986; Co. Litt 126a. Semper prsesumitur pro matrimonio. The presumption is always in favor of the validity of a marriage. Semper prsesumitur pro negante. The presumption is always in favor of the one who denies. See 10 Clark & F. 534; 3 El. & Bl. 723. Semper prsesumitur pro sententia. The presumption always is in favor of a sentence. 3 Bulst. 42; Branch, Princ. Semper qui non prohibet pro se in- tervenire, mandare creditnr. He who does not prohibit the intervention of another in his behalf is supposed to authorize it. 2 Kent, Comm. 616; Dig. 14, 6, 16; Id. 46, 3, 12, 4. Semper sezus masculinus etiam femi- ninum sexum continet. The masculine sex always includes the feminine. Dig. 32, 62. Semper specialia generalibus insnnt. Specials are always included in generals. Dig. 50, 17, 147.





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