


That place in which a man has voluntarily fixed the habitation of himselfand family, not for a mere special or temporary purpose, but with the present intentionof making a permanent home, until some unexpected event shall occur to induce him toadopt some other permanent home. In re Garneau, 127 Fed. G77, 02 C. C. A. 403.In its ordinary acceptation, a person’s domicile is the place where he lives or has hishome. In a strict and legal sense, that is properly the domicile of a person where he hashis true, fixed, permanent home and principal establishment, and to which, wheneverhe is absent, he has the intention of returning. Anderson v. Anderson, 42 Vt. 350, 1Am. Rep. 334.Domicile is but the established, fixed, permanent, or ordinary dwelling-place or placeof residence of a person, as distinguished from his temporary and transient, thoughactual, place of residence. It is his legal residence, as distinguished from his temporaryplace of abode; or his home, as distinguished from a place to which business or pleasure maytemporarily call him. Salem v. Lyme, 29 Conn. 74.Domicile is the place where a person has fixed his habitation and has a permanentresidence, without any present intention of removing therefrom. Crawford v. Wilson, 4 Barb. (N. Y.) 504, 520. _One’s domicile is the place where one’s family permanently resides. Daniel v. Sullivan, 40 Ga. 277.In international law, “domicile” means a residence at a particular place,accompanied with positive or presumptive proof of intending to continue there for anunlimited time. State v. Collector of Bordentown, 32 N. J. Law, 192.”Domicile” and “residence” are not synonymous. The domicile is the home, the fixedplace of habitation; while residence is a transient place of dwelling. Bartlett v. New York. 5 Sandf. (X. Y.) 44.The domicile is the habitation fixed in any place villi an intention of always stayingthere, while simple residence is much more temporary in its character. New Y’ork v. Genet, 4 Ilun (N. Y.) 4S9. Classification. Domicile is of three sorts,





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