


The house of lords, abbreviated into Bom. Proc., or D. P.Domus sna cuique est tutissimnm re- fugium. To every man his own house is hissafest refuge. 5 Coke, 916; 11 Coke, 82; 8 Inst. 162. The house of every one is to himas his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against injury and violence as for hisrepose. 5 Coke, 916; Say. 227; Broom, Max. 432. A man’s dwelling-house is his castle,not for his own personal protection merely, but also for the protection of his family andhis property therein. Curtis v. Hubbard, 4 Hill (N. Y.) 437.Domus tutissimnm cuique refugium atque receptaculum sit. A man’s house shouldbe his safest refuge and shelter. A maxim of the Roman law. Dig. 2, 4, 18.Dona clandestina sunt semper snspi- ciosa. 3 Coke, 81. Clandestine gifts are always suspicious.Donari videtur, quod nullo jure co- gente conceditux. Dig. 50, 17, 82. A thing is saidto be given when It Is yielded otherwise than by virtue of right.





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