


A reasonable marriage portion. A reasonable part of her husband’s estate, to which every widow is entitled, of lauds of which her husband may haveendowed her on the day of marriage. Co. Litt. 330. Dower, at common law. 2 Bl. Comm. 134.Dos de dote peti non debet. Dower ought not to be demanded of dower. Co. Litt.31; 4 Coke, 1226. A widow is not dow- able of lands assigned to another woman indower. 1 Hill. Real Prop. 135.Dos rationabilis vel legitima est cujus- libet mulieris de quocunque tenemento tertiapars omnium texrarum et tene- mentorum, quae vir suus tenuit in dominio suo ut defeodo, etc. Co. Litt. 330. Reasonable or legitimate dower belongs to every woman of athird part of all the lands and tenements of which her husband was seised in hisdemesne, as of fee, etc.





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