

单词 finding
释义 find·ing n: a determination resulting from judicial or administrative examination or inquiry (as at trial) esp. into matters of fact as embodied in the verdict of a jury or decision of a court, referee, or administrative body or officer; also, usu pl: a written statement of such determinations see also factfinding compare decision, holding, opinion, ruling
finding of fact: a determination made by the trier of fact as to a factual issue based on the evidence presented in a case
◇ Conclusions of law are based on findings of fact.
finding of law: a court's determination of the law as applied to a case: conclusion of law
gen·er·al finding: a finding that the facts in general support a judgment in favor of one of the parties
spe·cial finding: a finding setting out the ultimate facts upon which the court's judgment is based




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更新时间:2024/10/27 5:28:57