

单词 override
释义 over·ride 1 /ˌō-vər-'rīd/ vt -rode /-'rōd/, -rid·den, /-'rid-ən/, -rid·ing
1: to prevail or take precedence over
if, as is often the case, federal constitutional principles ~ state statutory or common law — H. P. Wilkins
2: to set aside by virtue of superior authority
overrode the jury's sentencing recommendation; esp: annul (2)
~ a veto with the required majority

over·ride 2 /'ō-vər-ˌrīd/ n
1: a commission paid to managerial personnel on sales made by subordinates – called also override commission;
2: royalty
3: an act or instance of overriding
a legislative ~




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