

trustor trustworthy trusty try turn
turnover order turpis causa turpitude tutor tutrix
twelve–mile limit twisting two issue rule two witness rule tying
T–note U.C.C. U.S.C. uberrima fides uberrimae fidei
UCCC UCMJ UFCA UFTA ultimate fact
ultra vires ultrahazardous ultrahazardous activity umbrella umpire
distress distress warrant distribute distributee distribution
district district attorney district court District Court of Appeal district judge
District Justice Court disturb disturbance diverse diversion
diversity diversity jurisdiction diversity of citizenship divert divest
divestiture divided dividend dividend option divisible
divorce divorce a mensa et thoro divorce a vinculo matrimonii DNA fingerprinting DNR
do DOA dock docket docket number
doctor of juridical science doctor of jurisprudence doctor of law doctor of laws doctor of the science of law
doctrine document document of title documentary documentary draft
DOD DOE DOI doing business statute DOL
dol domestic domestic violence domicile dominant estate
dominion donate donatio inter vivos donatio mortis causa donation
donation in disguise donation inter vivos donation mortis causa donative donee
donee beneficiary donor dormant partner DOT dotal
double dipper double dipping double indemnity double jeopardy double taxation
dower DR draft draftsman dram shop act
draw drawee drawer driving under the influence drug–free zone
dry trust dual capacity doctrine dual contract dual sovereignty doctrine dubitante
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