

单词 obscene
释义 obscene
(1)淫穢的;下流的;猥褻的 (2)討厭的;可憎的(→obscenity) 

Q. ~articles 猥褻作品,黃色物(作)品/~language 汙言穢語/~lewd or lascivious publication 淫穢、下流或色情出版物/~libels〔古〕(普通法上的)出版淫穢作品罪,黃色讀物(包括writing, book, picture, or print)/~literature 淫穢文學,敗壞風化的文學作品/~picture 淫畫,春宮/~Publication Act?《淫穢刊物處理法》O. any publication whose dominant characteristic is the undue exploitation of sex, or of sex and any one or more of the following subjects, namely: crime, horror, cruelty and violence, shall be deemed to be~任何出版物,凡以不當描述性、或有關性之行為以及以下一種或多種主題,即:犯罪、恐懼、殘忍和暴力為其主要特征者,均應被視為低級下流(見加拿大?《刑法典》,1985)/other~materials or expression is not protected by the free speech guarantee of the First Amendment to the US Constitution淫穢讀物或表達形式不受?《美國聯邦憲法》第一修正令之言論自由保護規定保護





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