

单词 breach
释义 breach
1. n. 違反(法律、義務等),不履行,侵犯(害),(關系之)破裂,缺(裂)口,不和 2.v. 破壞,違反
See: active~of contract; anticipatory~; immaterial~; immediate~; passive~of contract; total~P.~as to an installment delivery or payment 違反分批交貨或分期付款的義務/~before performance due(合同履行期)到期前違約/~of agreement 違反協議/~of arrest 脫逃禁閉罪(指軍官在被禁閉時不經准許離開軍營,為military offense)/~of arrestment 擅自處理已查封的財產/~of bail 破壞保釋,棄保逃跑/~of blockade 破壞封鎖/~of close 非法入侵他人領地(也稱為breaking a close)/~of condition 違反(合同)條件/~of confidence 泄密/~of constitution 違憲/~of contract 違約/~of covenant 違反契約允諾/~of deportation order 違背遞解令/~of discipline 違反紀律/~of duty 失職,不履行義務/~of faith 失信,出賣行為/~of law 違法/~of morality 違反道德,傷風敗俗/~of parole 違背誓言/~of peace =~of the peace/~of police regulations 違反警規/~of prison 越獄罪(罪犯從監獄暴力脫逃,也稱為 prison~, prison breaking)/~of privilege 侵犯議會特權/~of promise 違約(尤指違背婚約),違背允諾/~of recognizance 違反保結/~of regulations 違例/~of statutory duty 違反法定職責/~of the peace 破壞治安罪(也稱為~of peace, disturbing the peace, disturbance of the peace)/~of trading warranty 違反航限保證/~of trust 違反信托/~of warranty 違反單方承諾(指違反有關貨物的產權、質量、內容、狀態等的單方承諾),違反保險擔保O. continuing~連續違約/efficient~獲利性違約(指違約方賠償違約損失後仍能獲利的一種違約)/material~實質性違約,重大違約(另一方多可有權終止合同並提起索賠)/partial~部分違約(多指較輕微的違約,另一方能提起索賠,但不能以此為由終止合同)




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