

单词 restriction
释义 restriction

P.~in lieu of arrest替代拘捕的限制自由(受處罰者被命令呆在一特定區域,如營房或軍艦上,可履行軍事任務)/~of birth限制生育,節制生育/~of credit信貸管制/~of expenditure限制費用/~of import輸入限制,進口限制/~of output限制產量/~of personal freedom 限制人身自由/~of production生產限制/~of right權利限制/~of trade貿易限制/~of transfer限制轉讓/~s on marriage結婚之限制(指親屬間通婚之限制,英美法對親屬之間的通婚限制如下:男方之daughter, wife's daughter, son's wife, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, son's son's wife, daughter's son's wife, wife's mother, wife's father's mother, wife's mother's mother, wife's son's daughter, wife's daughter's daughter, brother's daughter, mother, mother's mother, mother's father's mother, mother's sister, father's sister, father's wife, father's father's wife, and father's mother;女方之son, son's son, daughter's husband, brother, brother's son, sister's son, husband's son, husband's father's father, husband's mother's father, husband's son's son, husband's father, mother's brother, mother's mother's husband, mother's husband, mother's father, father, father's father, father's brother, father's mother's husband, daughter's son, daughter's husband, and daughter's daughter's husband) Com.: restriction 和restraint均可用作指軍隊中的一種懲罰,restriction 可由軍官作為非司法性懲罰予以科處或由軍事法庭科處,其為“限制自由”,且主要是指限制道德及法律方面的自由而非人身自由,被懲罰者仍可完全履行其軍事職責;相比之下,restraint的情況則要嚴重得多,被處罰者的人身自由均受到限制,故其為“軍事禁閉”





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