

单词 line
释义 line
See: base ~; Bilge boundary ~; bonding ~; boundary ~; branch ~; building ~; center ~; collateral ~, communication ~; credit ~; deck ~; direct ~; distribution ~; expansion ~; flight ~; flow ~; fluids ~; gas ~; gathering ~; inbred ~; load ~; location ~; long ~; margin ~; maternal ~; mineral ~; morning ~; multiphase ~; night ~; oil ~; overhead ~; paternal ~; picket ~; pipe ~; poverty ~; private ~; proof ~; road ~; road improvement ~; secondary ~; separation zone or ~; service ~; set~; solids ~; telephone ~; transmission ~; utility ~Q. ~ assistant 生產助理/~ authority縱向(由上而下)職權體系/~ balancing 生產線的平衡/~ chart 線形圖表(表示一段時間價格變動情況的圖表)/~ department縱向管理部門/~ employee直接承擔目標責任的雇員/~ executive 生產經理/~ foreman 工長/~ haul(由啟運地至目的地的)陸地運輸(包括公路和鐵路)/~ item 分類預算項目(分別列入預算的收入或支出項目)/~ item budget 明細支出預算/~item veto〔美〕(州長)對撥款議案條款的否決權/~ management 縱向職權管理/~ manager 生產經理/~ operation 生產經營/~ organization縱向管理組織(從上到下的管理組織機構)/~ personnel縱向管理人員/~ relationship縱向管理關系/~ responsibility縱向管理責任/~ sheet〔保〕責任限額表/~ shipping 定期航線,班輪運輸/~ supervision縱向管理/~ supervisor 生產線監督員/~ units產銷管理部(如生產、銷售,財務部等)P. ~ by ~ budget明細支出預算/~ of actual control on the border 邊界實際控制線/~ of balance technique 生產線平衡法(預測生產進度與問題的跟蹤控制方法)/~ of business 商業範圍,營業範圍/~ of business reporting〔美〕經營財務報告,要求經營者表明經營收入的報告/~ of command從上至下傳達指示的管理體制,縱向管理體制/~ of credit 信貸限額,信用透支額,通融額度,信用額度(也稱為 credit ~)/~ of demarcation〔國〕臨時邊境線(也稱為 demarcation ~)/~ of discount 貼現限額/~ of duty 值勤,執行公務/~ of least resistance 最簡便的方法/~ of production 生產線/~ of supply 補給線/~ of title產權系列情況記錄(指有關土地連續轉讓或交付等的記錄,也稱為 chain of title)/~up列隊辨認(也稱為 identification parade, ~up identification)/~up identification(對疑犯的)列隊辨認(簡稱為 ~up)O. ~s and corners分界和界限(指不動產的邊界或界限,也稱為 metes and bounds)/an act done in the ~ of duty公務行為/he sustained an injury in the ~ of duty他在值勤時受傷/~ and staff organization 直線管理與參謀部門組織制/postindictment ~ups are considered to be a “critical stage" of criminal procedures at which the accused has the constitutional right to be represented by counsel起訴後再進行列隊辨認被視為是刑事訴訟程序中的“應急階段”,被告由此具有憲法賦予的律師代理權利Com.:lineup/line up identification(列隊辨認)與show up(暴露辨認)均是指對疑犯進行的一種指認行為,區別在於lineup 是讓犯罪嫌疑人與其他人一起列隊後一個挨一個地讓證人(或受害人)進行辨認(a line of persons assembled by police for possible identification of a suspect by a witness to a crime);而showup則沒有如此正式,其是當情況不容許列隊辨認時所采取的一種替代方式,是讓犯罪嫌疑人單獨與證人(或受害人)進行面對面的辨認(onetoone confrontation between suspect and witness to crime或 a presentation of a criminal defendant or a arrestee individually to a witness for identification),要想此種方式辨認所得的證據為法院所采信,該程序必須遵守正當法律程序(due process)才行




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