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1.n.目錄,備審案件目錄(cf. calendar, docket),表冊,清單,名單,(總稱)(交易所中)上市證券,價目表,價格(等同 ~ price),零售價格,潛在顧客名單2.v.登記,列入名單
See: assessment ~; band ~; black ~; control ~; crew ~; election ~; eligible ~; employment ~; export control ~; jury ~; law ~; minimum equipment ~; polling ~; price ~; promotion ~; reemployment ~; voters ~Q. ~ broker顧客名單經紀人(指租用顧客名單給商家者)/~ price牌價,目錄價格(指公布的或廣告登載的價格,准許在某些情況下,如批量購買或即期支付等時打折或給予削減)/~ store酒店/~ supplier(潛在顧客)名單供應商/~ system 比例代表制,按名單選舉制(指在選票所列候選人名單上劃記號選定若幹名候選人的選舉法,候選人通常是同屬一政黨的成員)P. ~ for packing 裝箱單/~ of articles 商品目錄,物品清單/~ of authorized signatures 負責人印鑒簿/~ of award 決標單/~ of balances 餘額表,差額表/~ of bidders報價商號名單,投標人名單/~ of bills 賬單/~ of candidates 候選人名單/~ of casualty 傷亡名單/~ of charges 收費單/~ of chronological order 時序表/~ of creditors債權人名單/~ of digest topics〔美〕判決摘要彙編標題目錄/~ of distribution 分配表/~ of document 文據清單,文件登記表/~ of duty free goods 免稅商品清單/~ of electors選民名單/~ of establishment 企業一覽表/~ of equipment 設備目錄/~ of exchange rate quotations 外彙牌價表,外彙兌換價目表/~ of expenses 費用清單/~ of exports 出口商品目錄/~ of freight delivered 發運單/~ of furniture and fixture 設備裝備目錄/~ of imports 出口商品目錄/~ of ledger balances 資產負債表/~ of loaded wagons 已裝車清單/~ of members (公司的)帶有股東名單的年度報表/~ of missing articles 遺失物品清單,遺失貨物清單/~ of prices 價目表/~ of property 財產目錄/~ of quotations 牌價表/~ of real estate 不動產清單/~ of shareholders 股東名單/~ of signatories and parties 簽署國和締約國名單/~ of subscribers 認購者名單/~ of suppliers 供應者名單/~ of taxfree goods 免稅貨物清單/~ of unloaded wagons已卸車清單




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