

单词 habitat
habitat the place where something or someone lives, in ENVIRONMEN- TAL LAW the focus of EUROPEAN UNION and UK legislation affecting conduct in relation to certain habitats. The EU Habitats DIRECTIVE requires the establishment of a series of high-quality Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) across Europe that will make a significant con- tribution to conserving the 169 habitat types and 623 species identi- fied in Annexes I and II of the Directive. The Habitats Directive is implemented in the UK through the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc) Regulations 1994 and The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1995. It has been held that the Direc- tive extends UK obligations beyond the 12-mile limit to the UK con- tinental shelf: R v. Secretary of State, ex parte Greenpeace Ltd [2000] TLR 30.





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