

单词 House of Lords
House of Lords
House of Lords in the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW of the UK, one of the two chambers of PARLIAMENT, the other being the HOUSE OF COMMONS. It is composed of Lords Spiritual, being the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and other senior bishops. Until 1999 the rest of the mem- bership was predominantly made up of hereditary peers of whom there were several hundred but very few of whom actually sat. The majority of the peers in attendance are the life peers and peeresses. There are over three hundred such peers. The Speaker of the House of Lords is the LORD CHANCELLOR. At the end of the 1998–99 session, in accordance with Section 1 of the House of Lords Act 1999, 655 hereditary peers ceased to be members of the House while, under Section 2, 90 hereditary peers, the Earl Marshal and the Lord Great Chamberlain remained as members for their lifetime or until a sub- sequent Act provides otherwise. This change had the effect of reduc- ing the total membership of the House from 1,330 in October 1999 to 669 in March 2000. A Royal Commission reported in 2000, and fur- ther reform to democratise and modernise the House seems inevitable.

The House of Lords is also the highest court in the land, although

not in respect of criminal matters in Scotland where there is no appeal from the HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY (although the same indi-




vidual LAW LORDS sitting on the constitutionally different Board of the

PRIVY COUNCIL now can reverse the High Court on DEVOLUTION

issues). To make sure that there is an adequate number of sufficient- ly qualified persons to carry out this task, it has been possible since 1876 to appoint Law Lords who may speak in a personal capacity on ordinary political matters.

The House reviews legislation in often impressive debates. It can delay legislation, initiate non-controversial legislation and scrutinis- es legislation of the EUROPEAN UNION.





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