

单词 international law
international law

international law the law applicable to the relations between nations and, to an extent, their internal conduct insofar as the subject of rules of international law. It also applies to other bodies that have interna- tional personality. The rules of law are found in treaties, conventions, rules of international customary law, and general principles of law recognised by civilised nations. Subsidiary means for the determina- tion of rules are judicial decisions and the teachings of the most qual- ified publicists of the various nations. Its status as a binding form of 'real law' is still debated as a matter of legal theory. The active role of the UNITED NATIONS (UN) in the second half of the last century and the work of the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE provide the traditional look of a legal system. International law has expanded both in terms of the number of participants (there are now 189 members of the UN) and subject matter. Traditionally, the rules of warfare and diplomat- ic relations formed substantive international law, but it now covers wider aspects of international relations including, most famously, peacekeeping. Its perpetual weakness is that it can often be inter- preted as the law of the strongest.





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