

单词 receiver

receiver 1. a person appointed by the court to receive the rents and profits of real property and to collect personal property affected by the proceedings and to do any act stated in the court's order. The object of the appointment is to protect the property until the rights of the parties have been ascertained. In such a case the receiver is an officer of the court and generally has to give security for the due per- formance of the duties of his office. In bankruptcy proceedings, the Official Receiver may be appointed as interim receiver at any time after the presentation of the petition if that course is necessary for the preservation of the estate; it is his duty so to act after adjudication until a trustee is appointed.

2. a mortgagee may appoint a receiver, being the agent of the mort- gagor in law, without having to apply to the court where he is empowered to do so by the mortgage instrument, or in any event by virtue of Section 101 of the Law of Property Act 1925 if the mortgage is contained in a deed.





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