

单词 crime
crime an offence against the state that is punishable. The act or omis- sion may also be civilly actionable. Prevailing legal thinking takes the positivist view (see POSITIVISM) that any conduct can be declared criminal, so everything from murder to a failure to renew a television licence can be a crime. Most legal systems require that the accused person should exhibit MENS REA ('a guilty mind') as well as having carried out the actus reus, being the physical requirement. Thus, in THEFT the accused must have taken the thing (although this is inter- preted differently in different systems) and have intended to deprive the true owner of his ownership (although this too can be formulat- ed differently in different systems). Motive is generally irrelevant. A crime is sometimes distinguished from DELICTS and contraventions, especially in the CIVIL LAW jurisdictions: a crime is a serious crime, a delict a major offence and a contravention a trivial breach of the law. Crimes are also distinguished from offences, the latter being consid- ered more trivial.





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