

单词 adjudication
adjudication 1. in immigration law, an adjudicator is an officer with the function of dealing with immigration appeals. The post of adju- dicator was created by the Immigration Appeals Act 1969. Adjudica- tors take appeals from decisions of the immigration authorities; they may examine the factual basis of an immigration official's decisions and review any conclusions of fact on which the decision was based. An appeal must be allowed if the adjudicator considers that the deci-




sion made was not in accordance with law or with an immigration rule, or, if discretion is involved, if the adjudicator feels the discretion should have been exercised differently. If the adjudicator allows the appeal, he is empowered to give such directions for giving effect to that determination as he thinks proper. An appeal from a decision of an adjudicator lies with the Immigration Appeals Tribunal.

2. in the Scots law of DILIGENCE or legal enforcement, the process used against debtors to take away their heritable property. The action is raised in court and the decree registered. When this is done, the property thenceforward belongs to the creditor but is subject to a right of redemption in 10 years, known as the legal.

3. the new procedure for resolving disputes in building contracts in the UK. It is intended to be speedy and relatively informal; an inde- pendent person is appointed – an adjudicator who is obliged to come to a decision in 28 days.





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