

单词 administrator

administrator 1. in the law of succession an administrator is a per- son appointed by the court to represent and administer the estate of




a person who has died intestate or without having appointed execu- tors who are willing to act. The appointment is made via a grant of LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION; where the deceased has left a will the grant will be of letters of administration with will annexed.

2. under the Insolvency Act 1986, provision is made as an alternative (or as a precursor) to liquidation or receivership for a company in financial difficulties to go into administration under the management of an administrator. Essentially, the rights of creditors are suspended for a period to enable the administrator to ascertain if the company can be reorganised so that its business(es) may be sold as a going concern, thereby protecting the interests of employees and, in the longer run, the creditors themselves. This is distinct from the func- tion of an administrative receiver appointed under a debenture.





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