

v. vacant possession validity value-added tax (VAT) vandalism
variation of trust VAT veil venditioni exponas verbal injury
verbatim verdict vergens ad inopiam veritas vesting
vexatious litigant vi vicarious liability Vice-Chancellor victim impact statement
Vienna Convention vigilantibus non dormientibus subvenium vindicatio visa visitor
void voidable voidable marriage void marriage voir dire
voluntary winding up wager of law Wagner Act Waitangi Tribunal waiver
waiver of tort war crime wardship warranty warranty of authority
wayleave weight of evidence Welsh Assembly Welsh mortgage Westlaw
wheel-clamping whistleblower white bonnet Whitsunday will
without prejudice witness Woodhouse Report Woolf Reforms worker
working time work permit World Court writ Writer to the Signet
writ of execution writ of restitution wrongful interference with goods wrongful trading WS
WTO yellow dog York-Antwerp rules young defendant young offender institution
youth court
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