

IOLTA ipso facto ipso facto clause ipso jure IRA
irrational irrebuttable presumption irreconcilable differences irregular irregular heir
irregularity irrelevance irrelevancy irrelevant irremediable
irremediable breakdown of the marriage irreparable irreparable injury irresistible force irresistible impulse
irresistible impulse test irretrievable breakdown of the marriage irreversible irrevocable irrevocable letter of credit
irrevocable power of attorney irrevocable trust IRS issuable issuance
issue issue of fact issue of law issue preclusion item
itemization itemize itemized deduction J. J.D.
J.P. J.S.D. JA jacket Jackson–Denno hearing
JAG jail jailer jailhouse jailhouse lawyer
Jane Roe jaywalk JD jeopardy jeopardy assessment
jetsam JJ. JNOV job job action
jobber john John Doe John Doe summons join
joinder joinder of remedies joint joint adventure joint and mutual will
joint and reciprocal will joint and several joint and several liability joint and survivorship annuity joint annuity
joint committee joint custody joint enterprise joint liability joint life and survivorship annuity
joint life annuity joint obligation joint rate joint resolution joint tenancy
joint tenant joint tortfeasor joint venture joint welfare fund joint will
jointly joint–and–last–survivor annuity joint–and–last–survivorship option joint–and–survivor annuity joint–stock company
journalist's privilege joyriding judge judge advocate Judge Advocate General
judge–made judgment judgment by default judgment creditor judgment debt
judgment debtor judgment in personam judgment in rem judgment lien judgment n.o.v.
judgment nisi judgment non obstante veredicto judgment notwithstanding the verdict judgment of acquittal judgment on the merits
judgment on the pleadings judgment–proof judicatory judicial judicial act
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