

judicial activism judicial bond judicial comity judicial conference judicial confession
judicial discretion judicial immunity judicial lien judicial mortgage judicial notice
judicial power judicial restraint judicial review judicial sale judicial separation
judicial writ judiciary junior junior lien junk bond
jura jural jurat juridical juridical act
juridical person juris doctor jurisconsult jurisdiction jurisdiction in personam
jurisdiction in rem jurisdictional amount jurisdictional strike jurisprude jurisprudence
jurisprudence constante jurisprudent jurist juristic juristic person
juror jury jury box jury charge jury commission
jury commissioner jury duty jury fee jury instruction jury list
jury nullification jury of the vicinage jury pool jury room jury service
jury trial jury wheel juryman jurywoman jury–waived
jus jus accrescendi jus ad rem jus cogens jus disponendi
jus gentium jus in re jus privatum jus publicum jus sanguinis
jus soli jus tertii just just cause just compensation
just title justice justice court justice of the peace justice of the peace court
justiciable justifiable justifiable homicide justification justify
juvenile juvenile court juvenile delinquency juvenile delinquent K.B.
k/a keeper Keogh plan key kickback
kidnap kidnapping kin kind King's Bench
kiting knock and announce rule knowing knowledge known creditor
L. Rev. L.L.P. L.S. L/C labor contract
labor organization labor union laches laid lain
land land bank land contract land court land installment contract
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