

premeditate premeditated premeditation premises premises liability
premium prenuptial agreement prepay preponderance of the evidence preponderate
prerogative writ prescribe prescription prescription of nonuse prescriptive
prescriptive easement present present recollection refreshed present sense impression presentence investigation
presentence report presenting bank presentment presents preserve
preside presidency president presidential government presume
presumed damages presumption presumption of fact presumption of innocence presumption of intent
presumption of law presumption of survivorship presumptive presumptive evidence presumptive heir
presumptive sentence pretax pretermination hearing pretermission pretermit
pretext arrest pretextual arrest pretrial pretrial conference pretrial order
prevail preventive detention pre–packaged bankruptcy price–fixing prima facie
prima facie case prima facie evidence primary primary beneficiary primary boycott
primary evidence primary insurance coverage primary jurisdiction primary liability primary market
primary strike prime prime contractor prime interest rate prime minister
prime rate primogeniture principal principal contract principal in the first degree
principal in the second degree prior prior art prior consistent statement prior inconsistent statement
prior restraint priority prison prison camp prisoner
privacy privacy interest private private attorney general doctrine private bill
private detective private eye private foundation private investigator private law
private letter ruling private mortgage insurance private nuisance private offering private person
private sale private signature private treaty privatize privilege
privilege against self–incrimination privileged privileged communication privileges and immunities clause privity
privy prize pro bono pro confesso pro forma
pro hac vice pro rata pro rata clause pro se pro tanto
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