

单词 advocate

n. 1. One who exercises a right of audience and argues a case for a client in legal proceedings. In magistrates’ courts, the county courts, tribunals, coroners’ courts, and the European courts both barristers and solicitors have the right to appear as advocates. In most Crown Court centres, the High Court, the Court of Appeal, and the House of Lords barristers traditionally had exclusive rights of audience. However, the provisions of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 allow solicitors with appropriate experience to qualify for rights of audience similar to those of barristers and acquire advocacy qualifications for the Crown Court, High Court, Court of Appeal, and House of Lords. In many tribunals there are no rules concerning representation, and laymen may appear as advocates. Advocates no longer enjoy immunity from law suits for negligence in relation to civil or criminal litigation. 2. In Scotland, a qualified lawyer admitted to the office of advocate and who is a member of the Faculty of Advocates, the professional organization of the Scots Bar.





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