

单词 franchise

n. 1. (in constitutional law) A special right conferred by the Crown on a subject. Also known as a liberty, it is exemplified by the right to hold a market or fair or to run a ferry. 2. (in constitutional law) The right to vote at an election. To qualify to vote at a parliamentary election, a person must be a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, must be aged 18 or over, must be shown on the register of electors governing the election (see elector) as resident on the qualifying date in the parliamentary constituency or local government area concerned, and must not be subject to any legal incapacity to vote. Those incapacitated are persons serving sentences of imprisonment, persons convicted during the preceding five years of certain offences relating to elections or to the bribery of public officials, and persons who are incapable of understanding the nature of their acts. Those EU citizens who have been settled in the UK since before 31 December 2020 retain their right to vote in local and devolved body elections. The voting rights of EU citizens who arrive after that date will depend on mutual agreements between the UK and the EU state concerned. 3. (in commercial law) A licence given to a manufacturer, distributor, trader, etc., to enable them to manufacture or sell a named product or service in a particular area for a stated period. The holder of the licence (franchisee) usually pays the grantor of the licence (franchisor) a royalty on sales, often with a lump sum as an advance against royalties. The franchisor may also supply the franchisee with a brand identity as well as finance and technical expertise. Franchises are common in the fast-food business, petrol stations, travel agents, etc. A franchise contract in the EU must comply with regulation 330/2010 (the vertical block exemption), which sets out which provisions are permitted and which are banned under EU competition law. As retained EU law, the regulation continues to provide exemption from UK competition law after Brexit; the accompanying Vertical Guidelines contain specific advice on franchise contract terms. The regulation and guidance are due to be updated by 1 June 2022. See vertical agreements.





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