

单词 parental responsibility

parental responsibility
All the rights, duties, powers, and responsibilities that by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his or her property. The concept was introduced by the Children Act 1989 and was intended to reflect a shift away from the idea of parental power. Parental responsibility includes inter alia bringing up the child, having contact with the child, protecting and maintaining the child, determining the child’s education and religion, consenting to the child’s medical treatment, consenting to adoption, and naming and appointing a guardian for the child.

Not all parents have parental responsibility for their children. If parents are married, both automatically have responsibility (Children Act s 2(1)). Where parents are not married, the father will automatically have parental responsibility only where the child was born on or after 1 December 2003 and he is registered as the child’s father (Children Act 1989 s 4(1)(a)). Otherwise an unmarried father will not have parental responsibility unless he acquires it either by agreement with the mother or by applying to court for a parental responsibility order. Both parents retain parental responsibility on divorce. A second female parent is in the same position. For the legal position of children born as a result of sperm, egg, or embryo donation, see assisted reproduction.

Persons other than parents can also acquire parental responsibility for a child when they are caring for him or her. When a child is living with, for example, a grandparent or other relative under a child arrangements order, then that order automatically confers parental responsibility on that person. A local authority will acquire parental responsibility for a child as a result of a care order or an emergency protection order. In all these cases, parental responsibility is shared with the parents, although its exercise is limited.

A step-parent who is married to, or is the civil partner of, a parent can obtain parental responsibility either by agreement or by a court order (Children Act 1989 s 4A).





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