

单词 intent
释义 intent
(犯罪)故意Com. motive,(法律的)起草目的,計劃,意義(圖),打算
See: constructive ~; general ~; immediate ~; implied ~; legislative ~; manifest ~; original ~; predatory ~; specific ~; testamentary ~; transferred ~; ulterior ~Q. ~ theory 意向論 P. ~ before the fact 事前故意/~ of legislature立法旨意(也稱為legislative ~)/~-to-use application(向US Patent and Trademark Office提交的)善意使用商標申請(以期確立自己的商標權)O. ~ and motive 目的和動機/~ to defend(被告)旨在辯護(cf. notice of ~ to defend)/~ to kill殺人故意(尤指在assault時如證明有此故意,可裁定是有加重情節的暴力脅迫罪)/a drug dealer was charged with possession with ~ 毒販被指控以犯罪目的攜帶毒品/assault him with special ~ to kill帶著明顯殺人故意暴力脅迫他人/enter the apartment with ~ to commit theft therein以入室盜竊目的進入公寓/the ~ of the contracting parties implied by their language文字中暗含的締約雙方的旨意Com.:intent和intention均有故意和企圖的含義,區別在於intent比intention更具有嚴格的法律含義,常用於指犯罪或侵權領域的故意和企圖等,尤用作指“犯罪故意”




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