

单词 method
释义 method

P. ~ of acceptance(產品)驗收方法/~ of aging 欠款日數法/~ of agreement 求同法/~ of amortization 資產分期排提法/~ of assurance 保險方法/~ of calculating depreciation 折舊費計算方法/~ of charging 計資方法/~ of charging out 報銷方法/~ of checkoff 注銷法/~ collecting data 資料搜集方法/~ of compound interest 複利計算法/~ of conducting trade 貿易方法,經營方法/~ of continued distribution 繼續分配法/~ of conversion 換算法/~ of cost accounting 成本計算方法/~ of current account 往來賬戶法/~ of customs clearance 結關辦法/~ of delivery 交付方法/~ of depreciation 折舊法/~s of economic intervention 經濟幹預方法/~ of enterpriselike leadership 企業式領導方法/~ of execution of judgement 執行判決的方法/~ of figuring interest 計息方法/~ of financing 籌資方法/~ of fixed percentage on cost 成本定率法,按成本固定百分比折舊法/~ of historical cost 曆史成本法/~ of infliction the death penalty 死刑的執行方式/~ of inquiry 調查法/~ of inspection 檢查法,檢驗法/~ of interrogation 審訊方法/~ of inventory costing 存貸計價法/~ of investigation 調查法/~ of payment 付款辦法,支付方法/~ of price of last purchase 最終購入價格法/~ of procedure 程序法/~ of proof 舉證方法/~ of redress 補救方法/~ of remittance 彙兌(款)方式/~ of representative investigation 代表調查法,典型調查法/~ of selfregistration 自身登記法,自填法/~ of settlement 結算方法/~ of shipment 運輸方法,船運方法/~ of simple interest 單利計算法/~ of voting 投票方法,選舉方法/~ of weighting 加權法O. ~ ad valorem 從價法,按值計算法





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