

tirocinium tithe tithing title titled
titular T note tobacco tax Tobar Doctrine to be~ed a crime 被視為犯罪 deem 2
tocher toe print toft together to comprise the court toil
toiler token toleration toll tollage
toller tolt tombstone ton tonnage
tonnagerent tonsure tontine tool top
toper topgraphical survey topic to propose the~of the candidate 建議取消該候選人之資格 deselection 2 tora(rah)
torment Torrens tort tortfeasor tortious
torture torturer Tory Tory totalism
totalitarian totalitarianism totality of the circumstance test totem pole ranking Totten trust
touch tough toughie(ghy) tourist tout
towage tower towit town township
townsman toxicant toxicate toxic(cal) toxicity
toxicology toxin to~a conclusion from premises 從前提推斷出結論 O. deducing title 推斷產權(指賣方證明其對出售財產之所有權) deduce 2 to~a ticket 注銷客票O.~d coin 磨損殘壞硬幣,表面磨損的硬幣/~d license 已塗毀的執照 deface 2 to~business複業/~cashing開兌(凡銀行停兌後再行兌現)/~offering恢複報盤/~original course恢複原航線/~the exercise of sovereignty 恢複行使主權 O.~ed session複會後的會議,續會 resume 2
to~him from office 將其開除公職,免他的職務 depose 2 to~him from office 將其開除公職,免他的職務 depose 2 to~jurisdiction 拒絕管轄,要求法官回避O. decliningbalance depreciation method降低收支平衡折舊法 decline 2 to~killing the person 否認殺害該人/ to~oneself 節制,摒棄,戒絕 deny 2 to~money and property 欺詐財物/to~him of one hundred dollars 從他身上欺詐100元錢 defraud 2
to~private rights 剝奪民事權利,剝奪私權 M.~permanently 長期剝奪(所有權)O.~d child 被剝奪生活必需品的兒童 deprive 2 to~the costs of prosecution 支付刑事訴訟費 defray 2 to~the union 吊銷工會執照 decertify 2 TP TPND
TRA trace traceability traceable traceless
tracer tracing track trackage tracker
tracking trackless tract tradable tradable
tradedown tradein trademark tradeoff trader
tradesfolk tradesman tradespeople tradesperson tradeswoman
tradeup trading tradition traditional traditionalism
traditionary evidence traduce traducement traducer traffic
paraphernalia paraphernal property paraphilia Paraphrase of Theophilus parapraxis
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