

单词 Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Supreme Court 1. the highest federal court in the USA. It compris- es nine justices appointed by the President with the two-thirds majority consent of Senate. The court deals with federal law mainly on appeal but also at first instance. It was Chief Justice Marshall in Marbury v. Madison 1 Cranch 137 (1803) who arrogated to the court the power to strike down federal law as well as state laws. Its supe- riority even to the President has emerged from Youngstoun Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer 343 US 579 (1952) and United States v. Nixon 418 US 683 (1974).




2. Supreme Court of Judicature is the Court of Appeal and the High Court.

3. in Scotland the Court of Session, which is subject to an appeal to the House of Lords and comprises a first instance Outer House and appellate Inner House, is sometimes described as the supreme court.

4. in Ireland, the court of final appeal, created by Article 34 of the constitution, consisting of a Chief Justice and other judges of whom five must sit on constitutional cases and three on others. It deals with appeals from the High Court on civil matters and from the Central Criminal Court as well as giving its opinion on the constitutionality of legislation passed by the OIREACHTAS when the President so requests.





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