

单词 Product liability
释义 產品的法律責任
1.A responsibility or onus imposed by the law of contract and tort, or by consumer legislation on a manufacturer, distributor, or supplier to warn consumer appropriately about possible detrimental or harmful effects of a product and to foresee how it may be misused. 2. In tort law, the liability of a company, manufacturer, or a producer for defective products, which arises from the duty owed by that manufacturer to consumers of those products, irrespective of the existence of a contractual relationship: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562. There must exist a relationship of proximity (the neighbour principle) between the manufacturer and consumer. The duty is owed not only to the ultimate user but to all persons who might reasonably be expected to be affected, such as retailers (Barnett v H and J Packer & Co Ltd [1940] 3 All ER 575) who handle the article and strangers who are injured by its use (Stennett v Hancock and Peters [1939] 2 All ER 578). A manufacturer may be liable for defects which arise out of either the preparing or packaging of goods. The principle in Donoghue v Stevenson also applies to repairers and distributors: Haseldine v CA Daw and Son Ltd [1941] 2 KB 343; Fisher v Harrods Ltd [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 500. The standard of care required is proportional to the degree of risk of injury to users of the product. See also Manufacturer; Negligence.
1.  由合約法和侵權法訂明的責任或由消費者法例向製造商, 分銷商, 或供應商訂明的責任, 需適當地向消費者警告產品可能有的致命或傷害性影響及預見如何可被誤用。2.在侵權法, 有缺陷的產品的公司, 製造商, 或生產商的法律責任, 由該製造商向該產品的消費者負有的責任產生, 不論是否有合約關係的存在: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562。製造商和消費者之間必須有接近的關係(鄰人原則)。不僅向最後的用戶負有責任, 且包括所有可合理地假設會受到影響的人, 例如處理產品的零售商 (Barnett v H and J Packer & Co Ltd [1940] 3 All ER 575) 和因使用而受傷的局外人 (Stennett v Hancock and Peters [1939] 2 All ER 578)。製造商可能因在準備或包裝貨物時引起的缺陷有法律責任。在 Donoghue v Stevenson的原則也適用於修理員和分銷商: Haseldine v CA Daw and Son Ltd [1941] 2 KB 343; Fisher v Harrods Ltd [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 500。所需的小心標準與產品的使用者受傷的危險程度合乎比例。另見 Manufacturer; Negligence。




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