

单词 contraband

n. 1. Goods whose import or export is forbidden. 2. (contraband of war) Goods (such as munitions) carried by a neutral or belligerent’s vessel (ship or aircraft) during wartime and destined for the use of one belligerent power against the other (or capable of being so used). Arms and other goods of a military nature were traditionally referred to as absolute contraband, while goods having peaceful uses, but nevertheless of assistance to a belligerent, were conditional contraband. The distinction, though formally retained, has effectively been abolished. Belligerent states are expected to issue contraband lists in order to exercise the right of capture. Goods being carried to enemy territory in an enemy ship are contraband even if they belong to a neutral power. The other belligerent is entitled to seize and confiscate such goods. See also prize court; search of ship.





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