

单词 Electoral Commission

Electoral Commission
An independent public body created in terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. Its duties include reporting on the conduct of elections (including general parliamentary elections, elections to the European Parliament, and elections to the devolved parliaments for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) and referendums. It is also empowered to review and report on a range of associated matters, such as the redistribution of seats, the formation and funding of political parties, and political advertising, and to provide advice and assistance to political parties, returning officers, and others. The functions of the Boundary Commission and the Local Government Commission for England have been transferred to the Electoral Commission, which is also mandated to establish Boundary Committees for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The Commission is required to maintain registers of political parties and to exercise certain regulatory functions in relation to their financing. Under the Political Parties and Elections Act 2009 the Electoral Commission was given a variety of new supervisory and investigatory powers. The Act also provides a new range of flexible civil sanctions that are both financial and non-financial and extend to regulated donees as well as political parties.



Website of the Electoral Commission





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