

单词 intimidation

n. 1. The act of frightening someone into doing something. Intimidation is not in itself a crime, but it may constitute part of a crime. For example, it is a crime to have sexual intercourse with a woman if her agreement was obtained by intimidation. It is a crime to intimidate a juror or witness in relation to proceedings with which he is connected (see contempt of court). If one intimidates someone into handing over money or property, this may amount to theft, and in some cases to blackmail. There are also special statutory offences of threatening to destroy or damage someone else’s property and threatening to kill someone. A person who commits a crime when intimidated by others may sometimes have a defence of duress. See also threat.

Under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 it is also an offence to intimidate a person whom the offender believes to be a potential or actual witness or juror. 2. An economic tort in which A, with the intention of harming B, either directly threatens B with some unlawful act or threatens C with an unlawful act in order to make him cause damage to B’s interests. Thus if A threatens to do an unlawful act to B’s employer (C) unless he dismisses B, and C succumbs to the threat, B has an action for intimidation against A for causing the loss of his job. It is irrelevant that C was entitled to dismiss B and did not act unlawfully: the essence of the tort is A’s unlawful threat. The operation of the tort in trade disputes is limited by statute. See also causing loss by unlawful means.





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