

单词 situs

n. The place in which an asset is held to be located. For UK taxes, the location of an asset is determined by reference to English, Scottish, or Northern Ireland law, but the rights in that asset are determined by the law of the situs.

Land is located in the country in which it is physically situated. A bank account is located in the country of the branch of the bank (R v Lovitt [1912] AC 212 (PC)). A debt is located in the debtor’s country of residence, unless it is under seal or a judgment debt. Shares are located in the country where the company’s share register is located (if there is more than one register, see Standard Chartered Bank Ltd v IRC [1978] 3 All ER 644). Tangible property is located in the country of physical situation. Business assets are located in the country where the business is carried on. The location of property held in trust is the location of the property, as is the unadministered estate of a deceased person, but a reversionary interest under a trust is located where the trustees are resident (Re Smyth, Leach v Leach [1898] 1 Ch 89). For capital gains tax, there is no charge to tax on the disposal of a foreign situs asset by a person not domiciled within the UK with less than seven years’ residence in the UK.





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