

单词 Immunity of carrier
释义 承運人豁免權
In order to obtain the benefit of the immunity, the carrier must have discharged the obligations to make the ship seaworthy, properly manned, equipped and supplied, and cargo-worthy: The Hague-Visby Rules art III r 1, art IV r 1. The carrier must then show that the loss or damage arises or results from one of the excepted liabilities mentioned in the Hague-Visby Rules article IV r 2. The Hague-Visby Rules are given effect to in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Ordinance (Cap 462) s 3. See also Carrier; Peril of the sea.
如欲享有豁免權,承運人必須已履行其義務,即使船舶處於適航狀態,為船舶妥善配備人員、裝備及供應,以及使船舶處於適合裝運貨物之狀態:《海牙 ─ 維斯比規則》第III條第1條規則及第IV條第1條規則。承運人必須證明有關的損失或損壞是由《海牙 - 維斯比規則》所述及的其中一項免責事項所引起或導致的。《海牙 ─ 維斯比規則》通過《海上貨物運輸條例》(第462章)第3條生效。另見 Carrier; Peril of the sea。




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